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Posts posted by Evo997

  1. No need to go to an earlier build. Go to the links it says.

    First, go to your start menu and type "%appdata%" without quotations. Go to ".techniclauncher," then to the file "voltz." After that open up the "lib" folder, delete everything in this folder, but keep it open.

    Next, go to all these links and download the file. It should pop up automatically to download.





    After you have all them downloaded to a place you remember, drag and drop them into your Voltz Lib folder. After you have all that done, run Voltz through the launcher. This problem is what I had, and this is what I did to fix it.

    *edit: I just noticed you're running a Mac OSX. I run Windows, no harm in trying to download everything it asks you to and put it where it tells you. If it still isn't working then for now just backdate to a previous version of Voltz.

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