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Everything posted by Ommateal

  1. My friend and i were playing in a world created with my hamachi-tekkit lite server, We decided to delete that server "world" folder and Copy one of my single player "save" folders and rename it "world" as you do when copying a single player world into a server. But now my friend cannot connect to the server anymore but i can, it just times out for him. We would really like to use this world. I feel like a fresh reinstall of technic and tekkit server then copying the world might fix it?
  2. So i havnmt been abl;e to connect tot the server in a while. have no idea why...
  3. Hmm, i just really hope it's ok. Been trying all night periodically and not luck on connection. Tardon, if you see this. post and let's find a way to exchange info man so if worst comes to worst we can continue els where together.
  4. Username: OMMATEAL Age:25 Why Tekkitopia? because my current server is not active anymore. So i need to find a good home. Your secret code:8omm
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