Name: Diomedes101
Age: 21
What do you wish to accomplish?: I am looking at re-trying out tekkit since vanilla got boring after such a long time while combining it with player interaction, can't really get myself to play properly in singleplayer. Besides all of this I'm hoping of finding a good and welcoming community.
Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I only tried out tekkit 3 months ago with some friends and started understanding stuff up until when the thing kinda broke down and had nobody to play this with.
What is the purpose of a macerator? Off the top of my head I can't say but after some research it appears the macerator breaks down ores and other items into dust which is used for ingots , interesting little thing , will take a look at it.
Recommendations(if you been invited): None
Others things I should know: I'm a very creative player , experienced in vanilla building with a nice portofolio of awe-inspiring constructions , overall I just want something new to enjoy.
P.S. I'd team up with the poster above me if he's interested.