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About Sarsarmarut

  • Birthday 06/04/1988

Sarsarmarut's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Server is running strong with 94% uptime over the past month.
  2. we are recruiting mature, adult staff. Via our website, danile.enjin.com Also we are moving towards growth, upgrade and rumors of a new map!
  3. I've used both Bukkitforge and MCPC+ and have found that MCPC+ is pretty good about keeping up with the Tekkitlite Builds. Legacy build 15 is what i'm currently testing on my server before i go live, and i havn't run into a single error message on the console yet. a few "leaking" messages but i suspect that is yet again chicken chunks, and i'll have to delete that plugin again :P
  4. Hey just thought I'd add my two cents in when I saw that you were having some trouble. The actually error you posted above is a download error, however, as Richs_Yard Says above i had a similar issue because i didn't have the 64 bit version of windows installed correctly. Just for good measure I would uninstall java, and determine if you have a 64 bit operating system. Then if that is indeed the case. Install BOTH the 32 and 64 bit versions of java again. As posted above, the download for Minecraft is independant of your .minecraft folder so that isn't an issue.
  5. @danisawrus -> hey sorry you didn't have such a great experience? did you even get to see the Dynmap via the website? its Eygpt, so yeah alot of it is desert and epic dunes. However the entire length of the Nile River is spanned with lush green. Take a good look around on your next visit i'm sure you'll find something for your play style, food could have easily been bought for almost nothing at /warp cairo, Mystcraft is also enabled and we have a portal in memphis which can take you to a more familiar landscape Server is going strong, doing some research into updating, hopefully it will allow me to turn back on a few of the "leakier" plugins from Tekkit 0.6.1
  6. Mob Arena added, Ban List reset, grief protectoin engaged!
  7. Staff applications are handled through our website, give us a /tell ingame Age 2 starts in two days!!! Get ready for some fun!
  8. 6 More Days! ITS SO EXCITING!, come make your money while nothing is banned!!!! money will transition over! never a better time to start playing!!!
  9. Server is up and Running Better than Ever, Moderator Team is expanding and we are Progressing towards Age II nicely! Don't miss the release of Age II in 8 Days!
  10. I know this is kinda a dead thread, but a shameless work around is your behaviour ingame. go to the corner of 4 chunks and move between them, in those 4 chunks alone will have a higher respawn rate. just like resetting sheeps wool. change the chunk.
  11. Its funny how your more likely to get a bump during the 10% of time your server is down than when its up!
  12. Reached 40 claims today! DaNile is looking good! Check out the DynMap here!
  13. its back up and faster than ever, removed a few leaky ends and ready for New Members. Starting to recruit [MODS] and [COMS] (community reps) to run an organized myscraft schedule in the temple of Karnek!
  14. Server IP: Dynmap Link: Whitelist: NO website: DaNile.enjin.com 4-17 Age 2 is in full swing, Mob Arena Added [TEKKIT LITE 0.6.1] [Grief Prevention] [24/7 Dedicated Server] [survival PVP+PVE] Server Highlights - Geographic Map of Egpyt & Sinai Peninsula : Used Proffessional Survey's of the area dated 1992. Much of the map is still unexplored via dynmap and players can explore it for themselves. - Events : Weekly and Monthly Builds and events. - Friendly Staff: We want a family friendly environment where we can all enjoy the beauty of DaNile and the fun of minecraft - Monumental Crafting : A unique server mod which will be allowing us to build organized collected blocks and it be deemed a protected monument. (Think obelisks) - Historical Setting: The Time period is a very interesting one, after the decay of the Pharaohs of the Old Kingdom, and before the rise of some of the greatest names of the time period, Cleopatrah and Alexander the Great. - Write History: Become a Crafter, an Artisan, a Noble or even a Visier, and who knows. The current Pharaoh won't be around that much longer. - Town Recruitment and Ownership: Think that you want to stake out a claim in the desert or perhaps and oasis, working with the staff we can get you a warp point and other awesome server benifits.
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