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Everything posted by Yorphos

  1. Name: will360 IRL Name: Kaue (I bought the account off a friend) Age: 12 What do you wish to accomplish?: I wish to create a small city with a large enough factory. I am also hoping to create, or join, a large enough faction. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, i have gone on a few other tekkit servers and used many modpacks like BusinessElite. what is the purpose of a macerator? A macerator grinds items such as bone, cobblestone, etc... Recommendations(if you been invited): I was not invited, I found the server on the forums and it looked like a well made server. Others things i should know: I can only come onto the server for about a hour or so a week but on weekends I can go on for about 3 hours.
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