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Posts posted by MechMinecraft

  1. What's your in game name: jacobmeucci

    Which position are you interested in: Moderator or administrator

    Why do you think you'll do a good job in that specific position: I can be on for long periods of time and have a wide knolage of the majority of all these tekkit mods.

    In terms of hours, how much time can you dedicade to MineBlade a week: My famaly can be vary jumpy at times and i also have school, but i can stay on for the magoraty of the day if i need or have a reason to.

    Do you have any examples of previous work (plugins/servers): Unfortunently i don't.

    Anything else you'd like to tell us: I am dyslexic (if you dont know what that is look up dyslexia), I have only been banned from one server because i was taking idems from old building that were left untouched. Lastly, with your permission i'd like to start videos possibly on a tekkit server to show the changes. but thats just a thought right now. If you need my skype i will give it to you if im accepted.

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