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Everything posted by marijn198

  1. sorry i havent replied in a while, have been busy. all are accepted in the server! sending ips and whitelisting. if you havent sent me you in game name please do it.
  2. everybody else doesnt have lag, maybe occasionally some.
  3. allowed, sending ip. also allowed. and, finally, youre allowed as well. sending ip to everyone.
  4. you guys are both accepted in the server, ill send you the ip.
  5. it is a survival server so no spawning stuff in. if youre still up for it, send me you in game name and no griefing. and i do personally think anti-matter missiles are a bit too much, they just destroy the landscape.
  6. he told me about you, you're welcome to the server, ask cloudwalker for the ip ok?
  7. that seems like a good rule to me, you need to give me the usernames of your friends and you should know i have zero tollerance to griefing.
  8. you have been allowed in the server ill pm you the ip but imma need your account name to whitelist you.
  9. hello thread viewers, ive been getting into voltz lately and i have experience with minecraft servers (vanilla and mods/modpacks) and im very excited about my idea to have a server where people team up to make their own bases/hideouts and make alliances with other people or just bomb the crap out of someone/group which you dont like. this doent mean all out grief is allowed, that means no excessive use of huge explosions, that wouldnt make it a lot of fun and just ruin the fun of others. if you are interested please reply with the following info: -age -timezone and country of residence -experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) -what attracts you to my idea/server -are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf -do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?
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