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Posts posted by duckymomo334

  1. Launcher Version: Launcher build 195

    Operating System: OsX 10.8.2

    Java Version: Java 7

    Antivirus Program:

    Description of Problem:

    Whenever I try to add a new pack and paste the url in "Paste Platform URL Here", an error "Error parsing platform response" shows up over the field. I tried to add several different packages, none of them works. I've also reinstalled the launcher a few times and checked that it got connection to the internet by downloading one of the packs thats already there (Tekkit, Voltz)

    What is the problem? I know Mac users with Java 7 cant run any packs, but I am just trying to add it - that wont work and it worked before.

    Error Messages:

    Error parsing platform response

    Error Log:


    I have another possible fix! For me what I did was: I went into settings and selected always use beta builds. Then for the Lols I selected increase PermGen size. I don't know what it did but it fixed it for me and that's all that matters. :)

  2. Tried that 3 times, tried putting beta in the string to down load a pack and nothing. I know it's not the devs and as far as them "getting their act together" that is a bullpucky statement fer some one misplacing blame when they screwed something up or when it doesn't work correctly. I have no idea as to why the launcher I've downloaded doesn't work. I don't know if it was something I may have done incorrectly. But I am definitely going to do my best to search the forums for fixes, explanations or if their is a new launcher released to try to fix the problem and if all else fails ask for help, I AM NOT going to blame devs that do this for the players of minecraft for something that I may have done and not known it. Show some thanks you ingrate, yeah that to you duckymomo334.

    Thanks for that. Call me what you willI but i said that because people are reporting far more problems that this. And It seems to me like they all have something to do with the new launcher build. Kill me for voicing my opinion.

  3. So has anyone found a permanent fix? Or is this just going to have to wait until the technic team figure it out? My launcher isn't even letting me access the main packs...

    Yeah! Me too. M I had the old launcher and I updated it. Now I don't have the default packs and I can't add any new ones. WTF is going on?!?

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