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Posts posted by blueguy9112

  1. blueguy9112


    im 14 turning 15 on september the 12

    around 3 days

    I'd be a friendly admin i would help people out by trying my best to make the server as fun as possible and ill be a nice admin to all the players but cheaters/hackers I will not tolerate ill make sure no1 is cheating by watching them if i see anything suspicious i will watch them with the /vanish command if i get access and if they are hacking ill jail them for about 5 mins then kick then temp ban and tell one of the many owners

    i wouldn't say special but it was pretty good i made a small castle with rooms and other stuff i managed to get a bunch of mk 3 energy collector flowers and make them pump into a crystal chest using redpower but it was nothing that special.

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