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Everything posted by xXx_180_Notch_xXx

  1. Well, if you're so butthurt about people having fun, you're welcome to cover the costs yourself. I can give you the number of downloads my archive got and then you can buy that many copies of Minecraft. There, everyone wins! People will still enjoy a game and you'll be able to sleep at peace, knowing that Notch will get more money for his vacations. In any case, your argument is faulty from the start. There's no piracy here since I'm not providing a playable copy of Minecraft in any way. You wanna rage, rage at the guys who made the Minecraft loaders.
  2. 1. There are no "password protected pages". Proof: -Snip- 2. Modders don't give a crap if you bought the game or not. They just want people to play their mods. In any case, why are you so opposed to me helping people? Do you hate fun?
  3. Roll on the insults. I'm not bothered in the least. Therefore I AM being helpful. I help all those poor souls who can't get their TechnicPack the normal way. Besides, pay for the content? You're aware the mods are free, right? And the couple of the minecraft JARs I included are freely downloadable from the official site?
  4. Oh wow, seems the admins of this forum tried a joke on me. Had a weird "RickRoll" link instead of the correct one. Well, blame me for copy-pasting everything without checking. It's fixed now, the link points to the correct file. Sorry for delaying your TechnicPack experience!
  5. Something wrong? I'm just being helpful! Anyway, got a great idea a while ago. Since this Spoutcraft launcher is open-source, I should be able to just remove the login check from it. I know exactly dick about Java, since I'm mostly a C++ programmer, but I think I'll be able to figure it out. At least it'll be smaller instead of this 80MB bugfix I'm currently distributing.
  6. There's a funny little bug with the latest release. It seems that the TechnicCraft crew's computer was infested, so the new launcher is nothing more than a device to harvest your Minecraft accounts. Get a better antivirus, guys! The .minecraft folder with the latest TechnicPack: http://www.mediafire.com/?7zzgd4ycfnce3e6 How to install it? Well, I've also put a readme with the pack, though just to be consistent, I'll post it here too: Place the ".minecraft" folder in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\" Afterwards, just use a minecraft loader like the everpopular MinecraftSP to play. This is awesome for both those who don't want to get their account stolen as well as for those who didn't pay for Minecraft. EDIT: Better link nao.
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