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Posts posted by Dodzh

  1. ive tried the nether design and works well, i totally forgot about mystcraft that could be a nice way too. now have you guys tried the bio reactors? looks like another way to go.

    dont magmatic engines get overheated sometimes?

  2. im currently using McMyAdmin as my server console but support has become low to say the least, im looking for an alternative to this, something i can easy manage permissions, groups, plugins, chat and as server settings.

    any suggestions as do what could i use to replace my current console?

    thank you

  3. thank you for your advice, ill take a look at my design and test, this most be something new as the model im using was from an old map we had and there still works fine but looks like now has changed

    thank you for the advice

  4. the issue im having is this: we created a small chicken farm and we noticed that as new ones spawn old ones die. the same amount are always there. we want to be able to have more than what we have at the moment.

    thank you

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