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Posts posted by ubZcdn

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I'm trying to find a cool modpack with some specific things. First of all, the Platform-Site is really cool, but I'm really missing some Search options for the modpacks.

    So if you know a modpack which fulfill following conditions, please tell me:

    - mc v. 1.4.7 Client & Server

    - I love a high mod-count, but also good server-stability. I know a no-error-guarantee is impossible, but the modpack should be kinda well tested.

    - The idea of Tekkit Lite, that you can build a factory, that does everything for you is awesome. So nearly everything what is in there should be in that modpack, too. If there is missing something, just tell me, and maybe tell me why.

    - Added Metallurgy2 in a smart way to make things easier. I don't want additional iron-furnaces that confuse new players with weird Recipes. And no duplicates of copper and other ores in caves. Most important things are the crushers, platinum chests and the new piston-recipes. Rest is optional. Nether and EndOres are cool. Maybe Celenegil and Tartarite.

    - Why is nearly nobody using the simple "Backpack"-Mod?

    - Maybe Forestry? But not that important, because that mod can be very broken I think?

    - Some cool RPG or Magic Additions. I don't know if DivineRPG is a good idea, maybe there are other cool things.

    - If you want surprise me with other cool stuff

    - I will probably play with 5 - 12 people

    Maybe I expect too much.

    But thank you in advance and best regards

    (English isn't my first Language)

  2. I would go so far, that I suggest the technic makers to add M2 it into their Tekkit Lite modpack. And I'm sure they would do it in a smart way , because there are some issues.


    -The Crushers are awesome, so you don't have to waste your first IronOres to Furnaces, because you have to make a macerator first.

    -The PlatinumChests are awesome because you don't have to waste Diamonds or Iron to get bigger Chests.

    -Get Brass for Thermal Expansion without using Tin but Zinc, without a AlloyFurnace

    -Another way to get Bronze. Use less Copper but more Tin.

    -Get more Pistons out of Iron, when you use Steel.

    -Get BlazeRods without defeating Monsters. (There is an Ore for that)

    -... other stuff


    -The new Furnaces, that are compatible to IC² are way too expensive and only confuse people that are new to IC². (solution: Disable them. Nobody needs them, when IC² is active)

    -The WorldGen is so different from the original. I think in one Update they just forgot to add Emeralds. like 10 People on one Server for like 1 month and no one found 1 Emerald. (solution: Maybe enable it only for the Ores that are new for M2.)

    -In Late Game pretty much everything is useless in the Fantasy-Pack instead of Celenegil (Because of the Enchanting Value of 50) or Tartarite (good Damage, and Flame-Enchantment). Mithril is quite cool too, but there are just too many metals in my opinion.

    -Without a backpack, you can not take all these ores the first time you go into a cave

    I think the Maker Shadowclaimer (and his team) is a pretty cool dude. Maybe it's possible to make a special Tekkit-Lite Version of it ;)

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