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Posts posted by jesta510

  1. Hey Guys,

    Our server is trying to upgrade its power grid to a remote power setup since our footprint is ever expanding.

    Our initial attempt was with energy bridges but the fact that the energy bridge seems to take 141 EU/t no matter how much power is actually needed isn't optimal.

    My second plan was energy Tesseracts but the server admin doesn't want to edit the config file to bring the loss rate down from 25%.

    So on to plan number 3: Charge energy crystals at the nuke, use a Item Tesseract to send it to remote location, load it in to the bottom to fill the remote MFSU and then send it back home. However, it seems like the only way to access the bottom side of a MFSU is to have something connected to bottom. What item(s) do I need to be able to both put something in the bottom of the MFSU and take something from the bottom of the MFSU?

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