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Posts posted by psharpfan

  1. Forum Name: psharpfan

    IGN: psharpfan

    Age: 15

    Country: USA

    Have you ever been banned? I have only been banned once. I was banned because I literally called someone in quotes "a piece of garbage." I posted a ban appeal, and due to the fact that it was a ban that probably was not worth a ban, I was unbanned within 12 hours. After this I swore to never do it again and I have stuck to that. I plan to never get banned again no matter how stupid the ban might be.

    If you could be any superhero or villain, who would it be and why? I would probably choose to be Iron Man because he is extremely rich, has an awesome suit, and a ridiculously cool and huge house.

  2. In Game Name: psharpfan

    Age: 22

    Tekkit Experience: Yes

    Amount Played: About 8 Months

    Tell us why you would like to play on our server: I am looking for a good, mature, and no griefing whitelisted server to be able to play on, and I found this to be a great choice for my wants!

    Previously Banned from a Server: I have not been banned from a server and never plan to be.

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