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About trevorwhatever

  • Birthday 02/09/1993

trevorwhatever's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. ok I think I made it public now
  2. ok thanks alot man
  3. so i looked up how to amek a public folder and apparently that isnt an option for dropbox unless I pay
  4. thanks ill try that if the host issue isnt resolved
  5. umm ;-; how do I do that lol
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tr5awcsu606w0r/Mod%20Pack.zip there ya go
  7. you want the link to the modpack or the jar thing that I uploaded to drop box or whatever?
  8. I have run out of ideas on how to make it work :/
  9. lol I did but I couldnt figure out what the heck I was doing wrong so I finally gave up and just assumed the mod doesnt work
  10. yeah I tried making one but I failed at it.
  11. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/digimobs-vs-pixelmon.44742 this one
  12. I did and I notice a few other people said the same as me however the maker claims they are wrong and its our fault
  13. I was able to run the modpacks that come with the technic launcher already
  14. yes. also I tried to do my own but failed there as well
  15. yeah that is what I did when I leanred about the packs, so i tried that and it jsut seems to be Vanilla. is there anyway to fix that or maybe im adding the modpack wrong?
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