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Sam Sakura

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Posts posted by Sam Sakura

  1. Sorry for triple posting (I know it's an offense, I'm willing to take the consequences), but I found a fix for this problem. It seems that, for some reason, the launcher will not accept passwords with any symbols in them (only alphanumeric works). Worked without any problems when I changed to a really simple password. Perhaps post this fix in the sticky for anyone else having this issue?

  2. I'm seeing that other threads have been posted on this issue, and the most common "fix" suggested for it is to actually purchase Minecraft. What if they have, and for some reason it won't let them log in, like the issue I have. My old laptop (which was Windows 7 x64) that I used a couple months back ran the Technic Launcher without any problems. Other people with the issue don't seem to have Windows 8, and I can't really compare Java versions since they say "The latest", which could of meant anything really.

    I'm going to see if I can use someone else's login details to see if it's just my account that it refuses to connect, or if there is something stopping it. I'll edit the OP with anything that comes up.

  3. Launcher Version: 236

    Operating System: Windows 8 x64

    Java Version: 1.7.0_21

    Antivirus Program: AVG Full

    Description of Problem:

    When trying to log into any modpack, this error message appears. I use the normal Minecraft launcher all the time, and I've type the username and password too many times for it to be wrong. I also migrated my account into a Mojang account, and tried logging in with the email address I gave, but still the same error.

    Error Messages:

    "Invalid username/ password combination."

    Error Log:

    The error logs show no errors.

    I've just tried a friends details to log in. They work fine. It appears to be my details that it won't accept, and not a fault with anything on my computer.

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