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About Lefty

  • Birthday 05/06/1990

Lefty's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Minecraft user name?: lefty Why do you want to join?: I want to play with wolfenstein19 and your server has a lot of fun mods Are you willing to be patient while we get any snags sorted out with the server?: I've hosted a server too, so I have enough patient . Do you livestream?: Nope, my bandwith is too bad for that :(
  2. Accepted, look above for client + install instructions :)
  3. Accepted. Describtion for how to connect is 2 posts above this :)
  4. Accepted. I changed the way for the Client: Download is here: http://mc.gaminghouse.eu/client/Tutorial to set the Client up is here: http://mc.gaminghouse.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4 And don't forget this: http://imgur.com/IYzYo5Q
  5. <statusbanner comes later> Server is 2 weeks old and there are currently 3 teams (thanks technicforum mod team ) That is the second server from Gaming!House for you guys! It's a full modded and extremely pvp server with all kind of stuff. But we have GregTech + Hard + all kind of Hard/Hardcore recipes enabled + TC hardmode (no passive healthreg)! So it won't be easy for you guys! So don't play alone here or keep hiding! We won't add a simple MiningAge because you would never find a base. Instead of that I try to do weekly events (Like a Dense Ore age with EXTREMELY sidee ffects + of course pvp for 30 minutes). Server Informations We are playing on Hard Chunkloaders needs fuel to run (Railcraft or Immibis) (Enderpearl for 8 hours, ender dust from portalgun for 1 hour runtime, more to come later maybe) We dont want player to donate only if they want to join, we want that players donating to us, if they have fun on our server! You can create a town for 5 diamonds and claim chunks for 1 diamond for each chunk (You have a limit for claimed chunks!) You can find more informations for commands >here< You can find a simple mod list >Here< The Twilight Forest is on the server but it's disabled! You can buy that stuff from the spawn (Wood and stuff like that!) You can protect your base with myTown! So no one can open your chests or place blocks IN your base. But everyone can pickup stuff (you can't disable that) so if a chest is destroyed, he could steal the stuff (It's allowed!) Quantum Armor isn't craftable so GraviSuit neither, for that purpose you can have the Adv. Nano Chest. MFR energycosts are doubled. Atomic Science multilayer are disabled. Quarrys and Turtles are disabled! Use Tunnel Bore machines (Railcraft - Thaumcraft - Stevecarts - Traincraft) if you want some automated mining. Nukes(IC2ones) and Red/Anti Matter, Rejuvention and Hyper-/Sonics are disabled! If you playing alone you can only protect like 4 chunks, if you have members in your town (or you join a town), every member will give 8! extra chunks to a town! Mods - Client - Config It's a privat server modpack, so you get it, if you are allowed to play on our server. It's like feed the beast but with a lot of custom stuff and my own configs to balance the whole stuff. Rules Rules are simple: Do not betray your friends! Or your Town / Nation! It's your reputation! You can grief from your enemys, if you find them but you can't steal from town unless you destroy the things with ICBM or stuff like that! Don't produce lag machines, like 2k chickens in a single chunk.... (Or I will delete that chunk!) Don't overuse Solar Panels. Respect the Admins any choice they make is always the right choice. Teamspeak Server Here, everyone can join our teamspeak! IP: Root Server OS: Linux RAM: 32 GB CPU: Intel i7 3770 k (4(8) x 3,5 GHz) + 240GB SSD Server Team Currently I'm alone Lefty (Admin) Wolfenstein Ethron Application It's very simple. You just have to post 2 things in this thread: Your InGame Name: Banncheck from http://whitelist.mcf.li/: Then I will PM you with informations. BUT PLS BE PATIENT!
  6. I don't know my connection is fucked up to the files (download would take more than 30 minutes, but only your site :/) so I don't know why :(
  7. I don't know but I'm from Germany and I can't download your newer versions anymore (got a unknown network issue to your side after 1-2 mins of download), could you maybe add dropbox dl link or something like that :/? I don't need a fast download but I want a download :I
  8. placed a motor on my smp test server and I got instant a kick with EndofStream and console says only: 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] java.lang.NullPointerException 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet.func_73281_k(Packet.java:129) 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet.func_73266_a(Packet.java:192) 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74459_h(TcpConnection.java:204) 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74451_d(TcpConnection.java:555) 15:01:17 CONSOLE: [information] at net.minecraft.network.TcpWriterThread.run(SourceFile:115) so there is no crash or crashlog so :/
  9. I dont know why you should ever do it but when you break the motor when frames are moving you will get this crash . I was in creative so it was just a hit , tested in SSP. Crashlog
  10. Then contact me or Magisch on teamspeak so we can help you. But we will change the way of using teamspeak for that, but at the moment I dont know what we can do to make this process easier
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