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Everything posted by Yoshiatom

  1. I tried that in survival and creative, but still have the same problem... :(
  2. Anyone going to help me?
  3. Same here. I hear music at times in minecraft but not in tekkit. I wonder why...
  4. I just tried that, CubeyBooby but it did nothing at all.
  5. Title: No OS with computers. Version: 1_0_6 OS: Windows XP SP3 32 bit Java Version: Lateset for windows 32 Bit Description of Problem: The title says it all. Screenshots: http://tinypic.com/r/2z7qs5l/5 http://tinypic.com/r/654z8j/5 Error Messages: Error Log:
  6. The title says it all. This happens with both standard computers and advanced ones.
  7. By the way, I used the standard version of optifine, not the light or other versions. Otherwise BUMP. EDIT: I just found out that the optifine download page has multiple downloads for the standard version. Which one do I use?
  8. I put it in the modpack.jar in the bin folder.
  9. I've installed optifine in hopes that it will speed up Tekkit, but it won't launch. No crash, but when the window for Tekkit appears, nothing. Not even a Mojang screen. Any help?
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