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Everything posted by Roet718

  1. Age:25 IGN: Roet718 Why Do you want to Play on this Server?: I had played for a long time on the old server before the update and made a lot of friends i hope i can see again. What Do you want to Build?: Everything.
  2. Age:25 IGN (In Game Name) Roet718 Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I've done pretty much all there is to do on my single player world and was hoping expand the experience by playing with others on a friendly server. What Do you want to Build? Everything.
  3. Also Having this Issue...
  4. I did alot of research on the problem over a few days and found a variety supposed fixes. After a conversation with Canvox we got to the root of the problem. If you can confirm that Scala-library.jar is missing from your /appdata/roaming/.technic/tekkitmain/lib folder then this is likely your problem. For some reason my antivirus was silently blocking the download of the Scala-library.jar file. If you will temporarily disable your anti virus and download that file it should fix the problem. TL;DR Disable antivirus for a few minutes so the launcher can download a file. I know many of you were having this issue so i hope this post helps.
  5. replaced the files and started the luancher. After a long wait (2-3 minutes) on the mojang screen windows told it was not responding. After waiting for another 30 seconds or so it resolved itself and started normally. Not sure this completely resolves the issue but as long as it is playable i am happy. Thank you so much for your prompt and helpful responses.
  6. Temporarily disabling antivirus finally allowed the file to download. Its weird because my antivirus never gave any indication it was doing anything all the times i sat through that download. I guess you want me to replace the modular powersuit files and see if it loads?
  7. It does not. Everytime i launch the game tries to re download that file.
  8. Can confirm that an outdated Java version is not the problem. I have verified that i do have 1.7_21 and still have this problem. Deleting modular powersuits seemed to work. Please fix this, guys. Thank you.
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