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Posts posted by Corodix

  1. Sonds like an issue I ran into too several weeks ago. It was reported on bukkitforge's github: https://github.com/keepcalm/BukkitForge/issues/628

    For me deleting dimension -23 didn't work, it would always recreate that folder when starting the server and then still throw that exception. There's also somebody in that report who had the issue with galacticraft instead of dimensional doors. For me the entire thing started after I explored some dimensional doors related stuff for the first time. After I had done that the server wouldn't start any more and would always throw that exception.

    Right now I run it without bukkitforge and am waiting for a version that does work.

  2. I'm getting the same here, it is installed in coremods and I've tried at least 5 different builds of bukkitforge, from the first one for 1.5.1 to the most current one. It worked just fine for me yesterday but today it won't work at all. Yesterday I mostly explored dimensional doors related stuff, something that hadn't been done before on this server until now.

    It probably has something to do with the issue: https://github.com/keepcalm/BukkitForge/issues/628

    My server does work if i disable dimensional doors. Another on github says he fixed it by disabling galacticraft.

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