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About Khandaker

  • Birthday 01/04/1990

Khandaker's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. They arent adding back energy condensor, that's only in ee2. They are bringing back a replacement in a couple of months thats more balanced and fun to use so just wait or play classic until then.
  2. Oh ok, will they ever fix it up and make it stable? I dont really use frames that much cause i dont find a use for them, just asking.
  3. btw when you say not a better alternative to red power frames, do you mean there still is an alternative not just as good?
  4. ah ok, so i should try it out?
  5. So yeah I haven't really tried out the new Tekkit yet since I heard it had removed a lot of mods (e.i Industrial Craft and Red power) But I was wondering if the mod came with alternatives to it? Well i know it has some alternatives like the pulverizor but is there an alternative for pretty much everything? Long story short is it worth trying out new tekkit if im coming from Tekkit lite?
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