So my friend and I are playing on the current tekkit server, no changes made to it or anything. We noticed a few things and I just want to know if this is on purpose or not.
First - No aluminum on the overworld. The galacticcraft wiki states that the aluminum on the moon is that same as in the overworld, but that wiki also makes a lot of references to greg's mod which is not in the tekkit pack. While annoying, we worked around this by manually carrying around oil in SEVERAL buckits to get and refine oil.
Second and much more importantly - The GUI for the rockets when you press F does not have a place to manually load rocket fuel. We worked hard, got all the materials and everything ready, launched ourselves to the moon, and now, we have empty rockets and partially full canisters to refill them, but no way to actually put the fuel in. Did we need to bring the rocket fueling device and a power source with us? The wiki suggests that we should be able to manually fill the rockets no problem.
Anyway, I mostly ask because if we are not supposed to be able to load them manually, we will sadly let ourselves suffocate and start over. However, if we are supposed to be able to manually fill the rocket and this is a weird problem, then I want to know how to fix it and I'll use server commands to pull us back to earth.