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About DahBlount

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

DahBlount's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. What about the new galacticraft stuff, how does that work?
  2. I will remember that.
  3. Thank you. Just please don't get so angry, I just wanted some help after not playing for a year.
  4. The wiki only applies to classic. And there is no need to be so angry at me, I just forgot some stuff.
  5. It's been a while since I played because I was preoccupied with exams, work, and family. I got stuff mixed up, is that a crime?
  6. I'm also a derp I found out you right click landmarks to activate them.
  7. Yeah sorry I was thinking of an energy condenser.
  8. Can pulverizers make new items like the macerator? Unless i'm thinking of the wrong machine. I thought macerators turned resources into new items right? Like soil into diamonds.
  9. Thermal Expansion? I haven't taken a good look at the objects yet. I'll have to look for it. So pulverizers are just like macerators though? And my land marks still aren't working no matter what I do.
  10. Also, what replaced all the old machinery like macerators and the like?
  11. No I've just never used landmarks before. My friend told me how to use them but they still don't work, I put three them along the x and z axis to make an L shape but the lasers don't fire, do I put them in a square or rectangle or do I need to add a y-axis marker.
  12. What I mean to say is that laser won't fire at all. Do you guys play Tekkit Classic or Tekkit 1.0.6?
  13. Well, I've stumbled upon a new problem. My landmarks don't work with quarries.
  14. Thank you! I used stirling engines instead and cobblestone pipes instead and now everything works great.
  15. So I've been playing Tekkit for a while (before the Lite/Classic split), and I am typically well versed in how to play, but ever since I downloaded 1.0.6 I have been unable to get quarries, pumps, macerators, etc. to work. I have been attempting to use redstone engines as well as solar panels (which I can't place anywhere) and other forms of power, but none of those will work either. I did put levers next to the redstone powered items but they still didn't work. Any suggestions?
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