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About Corvus

  • Birthday 08/13/1988

Corvus's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name: sariadragon Age: 21 What do you wish to accomplish?: Want to have fun Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes but I let lgnwls handle it what is the purpose of a macerator? double ore output and turn gravel into flint (love arrows) Recommendations(if you been invited): nope Others things i should know: Dragged in by fiance and there will be a giant chicken somewhere on the server
  2. Name: lgnwls Age: 24 What do you wish to accomplish?: Relief of boredom Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yeah probably around 100 or more hours what is the purpose of a macerator? It shreds almost any ore you put into it and pops out two pieces of dust that can then be furnaced into ingots double the love Recommendations(if you been invited): nope Others things i should know: Dragging my fiance into this to
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