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Posts posted by AmazingBlox

  1. I agree, when I started my server 3 years ago..it was ROUGH. I didn't have any friends I trusted that played. So i did the staffing all alone.

    Dont trust anyone that's willing to be staff from the get go when asked who wants to be a staff Member, most (not all but most) want the position NOT to be helpful so much, but only for the power and rights it gives them..and for the tag of 'mod on a server'.

    What I did was run it myself for a few months, found the players that was being helpful, nice, mature, online a lot, and talkative to the new players on their own. And watched them. If they was doing the 'right thing' without temptation of reward of a rank..they was the ones I wanted. As they was helping the server and new people because they wanted to, not because of what it got them.

    I added ranks of 'some responsibity' for some of the trusted users..to see if the abused the power. Like One step up the ladder can mute people, the next can mute/kick..the next can mute/kick/ban...the next higher rank is Mod, they can do all the mentioned, as well as rollback blocks, use logblock to see who placed what..etc.

    If someone gets the mute rank..and started muting people 'for the lulz' then I know they cant handle the power without waving it around, and they dont make it up the ladder for a long time(if at all) :)

    Hell, I still got people that's around for all 3 YEARS, that aren't on the staff. They ask randomly..but I tell them politely that aren't mature enough, have the right skillset to deal with problems, or just act up too much. And they usually understand why I wont add them without complaining.

    I repect you man.. You know the right things to do.. I like that..

  2. If you ask for server staff on a public forum... you're gonna have a bad time.

    Try to get some of your friends interested in minecraft. You can even bullshit them with the promise that if your server makes enough money they will get a cut of the profits. Honestly though, running a server takes a lot of time and effort on your part. If you want to make it anything other than another shitty server that gets greifed and shuts down in a few weeks, I recommend reading the EE fix threads and browsing the server op swap shop a bit.

    Running a server is more than just pressing the GO button and letting your staff do all the work.

    How right you are man..

  3. You see, I'm new with this Technic Luncher, I helped make aserver in Tekkit, after that, we sort of changed to Tekkit Classic, The problem is, I can enter Tekkit Classic using my computer, But when I enter using the laptop, its just plain white.. waited for around 3-5 mins.. Still nothing.. is this a bug or something? I really need help.. I can't always use the computer, Dad's using it.. :/

    Need help ASAP..

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