So, it has been literally years since I logged on, I remember when this forum was just starting out, back when there was no 'launcher' for the technic pack. Back before FTB was even out, before that guy who made forestry or whatever, added something to make technic crash.
Back when there was a new hilarious post in the whale box, every day, if not even more frequently... boy I miss those days. This pack sure has changed a lot since the beginning. There more packs out there than you can throw your feces at, and, I'm not too wild about legends, but Blightfall blew me away. Boy these packs are getting bigger and bigger, better and better.
How's the community here been? I've lurked here and there for a while, Downloaded more then my fare share of packs from both Technic and FTB. I miss what the community used to be though... Felt a lot more... close, tight knit, if you get what I mean?
Any other old timers like me on? pre FTB technic vets (Not that im trying to glorify anyone, playing a game longer then someone else doesn't mean squat)
I'm just wondering if there's anyone else to reminisce with me. Haven't posted on here since 1.6.4! Someone's gotta tell me what I missed community wise.
So, like it says in the title, long time no seem what'd I miss?