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Posts posted by somedude

  1. Well obviously, I dont have the necesarry vocabulary to insult you without bad language. You attended school in english. I attended school in romanian and hungarian.

    Also only Hungarian is related to German, Romanian is you can say, the reverse of hungarian, cuz the grammar is 90% like Italian.

    You put the verbs the other way.

    But I dont want to discuss this anymore. I got the answer I wanted from Dragonxy.

    I didnt mean to be offensive after all, but I strike back when needed with my...."""""""""""""very limited vocabulary " it seems.

    Lets see Dragondude, speak to me in the 2 languages I told yu Im perfect.

    edit: yup, me too only in school, and via osmosis from forums and such.

    But from you I could learn a lot. I like your post lol, your english seems exelent. But I hate american accent

    Oh sorry, i forgot: regarding my chatspeak, your right it looks degrading, but after all, its the internet. You dont know me, I dont know you, and none of us cares about eachother, and out of lazyness, I dont bother pressing superflous buttons :D

  2. I dont care what one believes.

    And not everyone is from USA.

    Check my Ip if you dont believe me, but wait, I dont care if you believe me. And looking at ones grammar is the retarded thing to do.

    In everydays life I speak 2 languages, romanian and hungarian. And none of them are simmilar to english.

    SO the above poster, FUCK OFF with your 300 a month. Read some shit about the salaries in Eurpe before posting in the future

    edit: ok, subiect closed then. Then I was right in my very first post about the RACISM REMOVED thing. Thats all I wanted to know

  3. Indeed ;D

    though theres a small issue. Not that I need it, really, I only need IC2 and BC, and a few others,, i managed to make them work.

    But, as Im being honest right now,

    with the so called-non-official minecraft you cant connect to the server to download the new technic.

    Thats the point. So with the old install method, this wasnt a poblem.

    This new launcher makes it look like technic pack was asked to to this new launcher, so it would require an minecraft account.

    I still believe the awesome guys who thought this up making a technic pack, got some sort of opportunity... and who knows, maybe technic will be part of minecraft officially.

    Cuz thechnic was the best thing ever happened to minecraft in my oppinion.


    TO 343N:

    And how would you do that if you cant acces the mods files you BATFUCKINGSHITHEAD? installation is not an issue, I dont even need it I managed to get my fav mods working, but im curios,,,,

    maybe it will become official

  4. no comment here...

    explain this to me: Why is the new launcher only available for premium members?

    eidit: yup, your right about the low state of cheapskate-life.

    But think about this: in some countries, 19 dollars are worth a week or more food.

    And nope, stop stating im a teeneger, im not, add 10 years to that. Im at medicinal university, but have no money cuz have to pay the rent, the food, the school, my parent is working 20/24 to keep me in school...so theres no way im paying for a game in this situation.

  5. In the first place, I believe I sayed that im a cheap ass, you dont have to mention it 3 times in a row.

    Secondly, in what language I said what I said wasnt stupidity. Read it again. I have a point.

    Last but....you are right about everything you just said, and that I am dissapointed cuz I cant play the new technic, and I had to merge all my favorit mods by myself.

    You just backed up my post, we are on the same opinion.

    But honestly, how many things are there you didnt pay for? Now I bet not Im the only one who didnt buy minecraft yet.

    And I wont despite how hard they try to force us to, making even technic to support Mojang.


    this sentence is totally common on planet Earth.

    "I need this but I am not paying, i have better things to spend my money on."

    ...also dont do assumptions about ones age,, I may be way older than even your mother

  6. And im still saying that you've got some sort of support from the official party Mojang. 8)

    Dont give me that crap thats more easier to keep the game updated on the fly, etc. As always, minecraft was way more frequently updated than Technic Pack, so I dont see the point.

    Im not sayint that the laucher was good, cuz it wasnt. It bothered me tons of times, making reinstalling the game a pain in the ..., as adding mods scrwd up my install, and using the installer again,,,and again,,and again.

    But with the new launcher, you force the players to buy the game.

    I honestly wont. There are far more important things to throw my money away than games.

    So clearly you got some attention from Mojang, maybe offered and option to even be included in a future version of the game...NOW THATS WHEN ILL BUY THE GAME. This would be the best thing EVER!!!

    Till then, while this freakin mod is only user made content, and also forces you to give away money, I bet thee are more options than using the main Minecraft server to download the mod, like making a different launcher or i dunno.

    So it seems you guys got som fame. It gives me hope it will become official.

    If this is not the case, than FUCK YOU, youre just some greedy little shits, or arrogant assholes who thinks if they bought the game, then everyone has to. Also the whole internet is about piracy, so the thing you dont tolerate it here is just a mask. Even online payment is some sort of piracy if you think about it(no official papers you cant hold in your hand, you get fuckep over a lot of times,,,so all this about no piracy-view is bullcrap)

    english is hardly my native, so bear my errors

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