Username: Rawr_FG_
Age: 17
Timezone: UCT (Illinois, USA)
Past Experience: Mod and Admin on servers for, Many minecraft vanilla and Bukkit Servers. Including being a Co-Owner on a Tekkit Server. I know Tons about Tekkit as I am constantly expirementing and watching youtube videos on the subject. I have also hosted several servers and donated to a few. Why do you want to join the staff roster?: I want to be able to help as many players as possible have the same exciting experience that I have had on BusinessTech, Owning a small community on the server, I have a good reputation and can be on whenever needed. Also, over my time playing on the server, I have noticed that a lot of players are complaining about the Admins of the server, and saying that they aren't capable of helping any of the players. Anything else we should know about you?: Well, I can pretty much be on whenever I am needed, and as I stated before, many players on the server are complaining about the Servers admins, because they aren't actually doing much help (no offense to anyone) and I feel like I would be able to help with this by being a friendly staff member and helping out others! I also should state that if you ask my brother, 31trainman, that I have coded/scripted many plugins for mine and my friends Bukkit servers, and have had many forum posts regarding my plugins, he will confirm this. (:
I have also made several spawn points for some big servers, and am a very creative builder, I have a positive attitude and I'm always looking for ways to improve the server.