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Posts posted by TigersFangs

  1. I have been having the same problem for like a week now. Accidentally deleted a mod pack and can't add it back in because every time I click the "Create a modpack" link it just stalls out and lands me at the CloudFlare page. I would love to know if this is just me or if this is a website issue.

  2. Has anyone had trouble getting the website to import their solder mod pack? I am having a terrible time. I got solder installed easily enough and put the required resource files where they needed to go. I figured out the solder structure system and put the files where they need to go complete with correct naming conventions. The website recognizes my solder install and even detects the test pack that I have created. When I go to import it, I get error code 500 and it says it is an internal server error. Is this a common problem or is this just me?

  3. Okay, here is the situation.

    I have gotten solder installed and working quite nicely on my home linux server. The problem is that I can't get the website to recognize that I have a valid solder install. I am not familiar enough with the systems involved to be able to figure this one out by myself.

    My solder install is located at http://tigersfangs.myftp.org. If I understand correctly I should be able to put in http://tigersfangs.myftp.org/api/ and have it work. Laravel doesn't seem to register the /api/ and return the correct information. If I put http://tigersfangs.myftp.org/index.php/api/ I do get the correct response from the /api/ call, but the website still says that there is no solder installation there. Am I missing something? Shouldn't the "index.php" pick up the /api/ call automatically and give the proper response without being specified in the address? It works fine for the solder login if I just go to http://tigersfangs.myftp.org.

    I have tried various things over the past several days with no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know that there is no official support or documentation, but I am hoping that someone with more experience and a better understanding might be able to help me out.

    I followed the instructions on this thread for the installation. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lamp-solder-installation.43471/

    The only other trouble that I have is that occasionally when I attempt to login to solder it will error and tell me that the module "MySQL" is already running. Reloading the page usually seems to get around that though.



    Okay, I found out that I was linking it to the wrong address. I got the solder install successfully linked to my platform account.

    Bigger Problem.

    When I create a new mod pack and try to import my testing pack, it gives me this error:


    Server Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)

    What does this mean?

    Something went wrong on our servers while we were processing your request. We're really sorry about this, and will work hard to get this resolved as soon as possible.

    Perhaps you would like to go to our home page?

    Can anyone help me? I have configured the pack correctly according to solder requirements including the resource files and mod files. I have tried many times to upload it. I found that someone getting this error previously was told that the website was just "busy" and that they should try again. I have tried at literally all hours of the day with no luck.

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