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Posts posted by Wonderjunk

  1. 10 minutes ago, SgtSnoopy said:

    IGN: Rainbowstrips22

    I've been playing since alpha and have been part of a few white listed servers (mindcrack/hermitcraft sorta style). I'm familiar with the original tekkit and modpacks like pixelmon and volts but look forward to my introduction to tekkit legends on a server where I can build freely without the possibility of greifing. Thanks for the opportunity.


    On 3/3/2016 at 7:09 AM, MCJord said:

    IGN: MCJord


    I've actually never played Tekkit Legends before. I've played quite some Big Dig but I think I'm really going to like Tekkit Legends.

    I'm going to do some singleplayer now and hopefully soon I'll be able to play on your server.


  2. 5 hours ago, Frostbird said:


    I made my account years ago, and have been playing tekkit for years. I'm Canadian and the biggest issue I have with the gaming community in general is how toxic it is towards people.

    Also I go by Jay, Frost or Frosty.


    14 minutes ago, Pluto_San said:

    IGN : Pluto_San

    Bio: Hi, My name's Pluto and I've been playing minecraft for over 7 years now and I believe it's finally time to enlist in a white list community. Be in a mind that I'm Canadian and if you were to see the hundreds of sorrys i put in chat I can, with all my pride say that I'm sorry for making you seem sorry about my sorrys.


    (Also I may invite another friend later on... He has an afro so yeah...)


  3. 3 hours ago, Senorian said:

    IGN: MinecoCEO

    Bio: I am fairly new to modded minecraft  and tired of the servers with people claiming to be close but in reality don't even greet you. I like to build and put alot of thought into my builds and hope that you and your server will help when I need it.

    I can tell you what, I'll always greet everybody. You should try settling near me. I like to just build large cities, buildings, etc...

  4. Submissions are Closed

    In order to prevent the server from growing too fast and becoming unmanageable I have closed the applications. If space becomes available I will reopne.







    1.) Respect



    That's it. If you don't know what that means, this isn't the right server for you.

    The Story I am renting out a 2.5gb server just for this with the sole intent of playing on a server I know is going to managed well. If your are tired of the types of servers that have plagued the minecraft community and would like to focus on the pure survival element originally intended in the alpha-beta stages of the game.

    Will there be griefing? No of course not, that's breaking the first rule.

    This is an 18+ server. Take that very lightly, If I cannot tell you under 18 then there should be no problem. It is extremely easy to hide your age, if you understand and follow the first rule.

    Write up a quick blurb about yourself and your ign. I will be sure to whitelist you immediately.



    Ip Address









  5. I found an exploit that I haven't read about yet. With enchanting plus comes the ability to un-enchant items and get the xp from the enchantments back. Now with kreknorite armor, this allows you to right click to add an enchantment to the armor. Every time you un-enchant kreknorite armor you can just re-add the enchantment. This allows you to have unlimited levels.

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