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Everything posted by GRzKax

  1. Did you run "launch.bat"?
  2. You can remove them using a pickaxe, but an axe works the best.
  3. Have you tried pressing "o" when viewing your inventory?
  4. Nope, my gamename is GRzKax just as my name here...
  5. I think im stuck in a wall or something, i keep crashing on login. Can someone maybe delete my player file or something?
  6. - What is your in game name(minecraft username)? - GRzKax - Name one rule of the server. - No GRIEFING! - Why do you want to join the server? - The one im playing on right now is kinda unstable and i hope this one is better, and I dont want to play alone := - What do you expect from the server? - A nice place where i can build my crazy lab so I can take over the world! Nah just kidding, i just want to have some fun playing this great pack with other people.
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