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Posts posted by chjade84

  1. chjade84,

    A question. If I create a server 'big dig' I can use the map I'm using currently tekkit?

    Unfortunately, I don't think so. I tried briefly to carry our world over but ran into major problems. We weren't that far along so it wasn't a huge deal to just start over - so I didn't look into it that much.

  2. EDIT: This seems to no longer work. As Dash mentioned below, it seems they are actively changing the 1.1.0 pack. I followed the same steps I used successfully below hours later and got new errors. Sorry.

    I think I got it... finally.

    Disclaimer: I've had a few beers trying to get this to work so... keep that in mind ;)


    Download the 1.1.0 server from http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkitmain/Tekkit_Server_v1.1.0.zip and get it all extracted somewhere

    Replace the minecraft_server.jar with the minecraft_server.jar from here https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar

    I think that's all that's needed for the server.


    Delete the .technic folder and .minecraft folders in AppData\Roaming

    Open the Tekkit launcher and click the gear in the top right and change the memory to 4GB (optional step?)

    Save and restart the launcher

    Click the gear under Tekkit and change the version to 1.1.0

    Login and download everything. When Minecraft crashes, close it.

    open the .technic folder and go to the "coremods" folder - delete CustomPortForge.jar

    go to .technic\tekkitmain\config and open bau5_ProjectBench.cfg and change the

    block {

    I:"Project Bench"=700



    block {

    I:"Project Bench"=3333


    Open the "mods" folder and delete the the 'bspkrsCore', 'EnderStorage', 'mystcraft' and 'OmniTools' mods. These are out of date from the 1.1.0 server.

    Replace those mods with the versions that came with the server, found in the server's 'mods' folder.

    I just got myself and a friend running on my 1.5.2 server so I think this works.

    Good luck!

    If you want to enable optifine/shaders mods, delete the EnderStorage,jar from the server and clients 'mods' folder. Something about it makes those other mods unhappy.

  3. Well now I have new problems...

    I get home and go through these steps on my home computer and Minecraft crashes...

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 700 is already occupied by powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockFactoryFluid@608a8b80 when adding bau5.mods.projectbench.common.ProjectBenchBlock@27ccb204

    at net.minecraft.block.Block.<init>(Block.java:340)


    No idea what's up - I just can't install 1.1.0.

    I started with no .technic folder and right off the bat installed 1.1.0 - crash

    I started with no .technic folder and installed 1.0.6 - works fine

    I upgraded 1.0.6 to 1.1.0 and I get the crash again.

    Both computers running Win 8 x64 with 64 bit Java.

    I tried again at work (remote desktop) fresh install straight to 1.1.0 and I get the crash or a dialog "Error retrieving information for selected pack: Tekkit"

    So I try 1.0.6 from a fresh install and it works.

    Upgrade 1.0.6 to 1.1.0 and I get a crash again.

    Vec3 Pool Size: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 700 is already occupied by powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.BlockFactoryFluid@617e1c7c when adding bau5.mods.projectbench.common.ProjectBenchBlock@1e8042e5

    No idea where to go from here

  4. Well this is weird... Now it seems like it's mostly just fine...

    I was getting many errors like "[iNFO] [buildCraft] This world was saved with mod CompactSolars version and it is now at version, things may not work well"

    (That error is just made up but there seemed to be several dozen of them for all different mods) along with a huge wall of text I didn't even bother to read.

    I restarted the server several times and eventually gave up. Now I restarted to copy the errors for you guys and the errors aren't there. I still get flashes of see-through chunks sometimes but it's a lot better then it was.

  5. I've tried up update my tekkit server to 1.1.0 and also keep my 1.0.6 world but get some mod errors and lots of flashing chunks in the game.

    Is there a way to bring a world from 1.0.6 to 1.1.0?

  6. Progress is being made! The only other issue is EnderStorage causes a crash so it has to go - for now.

    Here are my steps to getting Sonic's Shaders running for 1.5.2 if anyone needs them.

    Delete .technic folder (making a backup, of course) in appdata\roaming for a fresh start

    Open Tekkit launcher and let it install then select the gear icon in the top right and change the memory to 4GB (if you can - seems to help)

    Save and restart

    Click the gear icon by the Tekkit graphic on the left and select the latest launcher, 1.1.0.

    Save and restart

    Login and let it download the files

    Open modpack.jar and add in the latest Optifine files OptiFine 1.5.2_HD_U_D3 from here - Delete META-INF

    Add in the latest ShadersMod files shadersmod-mc1.5.2-ofud3-1.46 from here.

    Delete EnderStorage in the .technic\tekkitmain\mods folder

    Launch game

    Open texture pack folder from the "options->texturepacks" menu and add texture packs if you wish.

    Open shaders folder from the "options->shaders" menu and add SEUS v10 RC7 ULTRA shaderpack from here or whatever shaderpack you like.


    There will be an error when joining a world saying it is missing EnderStorage files which would be expected since we deleted the .jar. How do I tell it not to look for that anymore?

  7. Tekkit 1.1.0 is included in the launcher right now, but it is not a recommended build yet. This version updates minecraft core to 1.5.2, and includes updates to a bunch of the other core mods to 1.5.2 versions.

    I've been running it for a day or so now on my server, but I don't know how long it will be until the Technic Dev team pushes it as a recommended update.

    Great, thanks!

    However, I went ahead and tried 1.1.0 and it re-downloaded minecraft.jar and all of the mods and started up fine but when I went to make a single player world it got stuck at "building terrain". I deleted the .technic folder thinking maybe going from 1.0.6 to 1.1.0 was causing a problem and chose 1.1.0 before logging in so that it would just have the newer files but the problem persists.

    Did you run into this at all? I saw your other post about getting a new server.jar for the 1.1.0 server - I've bookmarked that for once I get single player working!

  8. I want to get Sonic Ether's shaders installed - and I kind of did! - but I've run into problems.

    I've played with Optifine1.5.1_HD_U_D1 and Sphax's texture pack with no issues for weeks, so... time to add shaders.

    I found instructions and a link to Optifine1.5.1_HD_U_A8 and ShadersMod-mc1.5.1-ofuA8-1.45 and I installed those and Sonic's shaders and it actually worked great! Except no mod's textures would load on the default or Sphax's texture pack - just clear blocks. Hardly ideal.

    I've found the problem is caused by Optifine U_A8 so I can't use that version...

    I've been out on my own but I can't find a matching Optifine and ShadersMod. I can get all sorts of Optifine versions, D1, C4, B1, B2, B3, etc. Problem is (as far as I can tell) karyonix is the only one developing the Shaders Mod anymore and he only has versions for Minecraft 1.4.6-1.4.7 and 1.5.2. I don't know where this guy got version 1.5.1uA8 that I downloaded...

    Google has given me nothing over the course of a few days and several hours. Anyone know how to get this working?

    On a side note, any word on Tekkit being updated to 1.5.2?

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