"Oops looks like when you wrote it you made a mistake and got rid of everything I paste let me fix that for you >" Technic is good if you want to make quick modpacks and distribute them, since nobody really gives a damn about permissions (on their site they're just tossing around modpacks like kitten toys, and the mod makers don't really care about the technic site anyway since there are over 4k something modpacks on there that don't have permissions)
FTB is good if you want to make a highly official modpack and get it well known. You need permissions before you can do a leap from the Technic launcher to the FTB launcher, and you also need a lot of publicity.
You can also start off with FTB and just give people a list of mods to download incase you think you'll be turned down from FTB for using the Technic launcher, which I doubt.
As for playing things, either one is fine. The FTB launcher comes with modpacks that certain Youtubers use and also some really good official packs, while the technic pack comes with (He's not talking about the Official ones we like those honestly ) tons of low-quality modpacks (weee zeppelin mod for 1.5.4 totes updated come download this modpack now) but there are a lot of them so you can occasionally find a few gems in the haystack that catch your eye.
Nobody's going to come find you and kill you if you use a modpack that doesn't have permissions, though. They'll probably come and kill the person who distributes it (that is if you're using the FTB launcher and distributing the modpack on the forums (which is a very bad idea indeed)) but not you.