IGN (In Game Name): peckypeck903
Age (Optional): 14
Why are you looking to join the server? What can you bring to the server? :
I have been looking for a relatively small server that can develop. I also got nothing to do for the summer and thought I might kill some time with Tekkit. It might also be a good place to explore architecture, though I'm not very creative.
I don't know what other people think I can bring, but I know that I can bring a bit of happy faces here and there.
Tell me about your play style?:
I have been playing Minecraft for almost a year now. I played Tekkit when Tekkit classic was the main Tekkit so I have some experience with Industrial Craft, RedPower, Buildcraft, etc. I am not an avid pvp/raider, I usually never PvP. In most servers, I either join a town for find some nice terrain and build a simple house which I can expand into a small village for myself. I always mine, up to the point that I get lost in my own mines. I have also taken an interest to creating large farms a while back. When I can, I build automated machines with IC, BC, and RP.
Tell me a bit about yourself?:
I am not too immature for my age. My favorite animal would be the penguins. I am male. I have experiences with building massive machine contraptionsin other servers during the period of Tekkit classic. Though I may not be creative, I make up for it with my knowledge of machinery. I also am famalier with basic server commands, and know how to use Towny, LWC, and some other plugins I forgot the name of. I can play by myself and I am also a team player. I would rather the latter. That's pretty much it.