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Velrik Eros

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About Velrik Eros

  • Birthday 01/26/1993

Velrik Eros's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Found that link you were talking about Karaktar, thx. Toki, how do you supply the magma crucibles with the cobblestone? Is it just a Quarry with some diamond piping to filter where the cobblestone goes which is then directed into a chest near the crucibles? Pheonix, sounds awesome I am gonna try to look into that as well, seems like this may be what I was originally looking for...
  2. 5 lines of text>3days of noobishness! Thank you, my bad on the incorrect lingo, I thought redpower was the term used to refer to redstone machinery which requires redstone or singaling to accomplish. Kudos for the tip .
  3. Hey guys, I am completely new to Tekkit, I just downloaded it about 3 days ago and I am hosting my own LAN through hamachi and trying out some new stuff. I am currently trying to build with redstone power since I guess IC2 hasn't been updated and isn't included anymore? That being said I saw today that steam engines can run for 15 minutes on one bucket of lava...pretty freaking sweet! All the videos I saw though are from 6-8 months ago and require things from IC2, any ideas on how to possibly get an infinite lava supply for my steam engines to run? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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