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Posts posted by Shnuffler

  1. Okay so I somehow got a corrupted world. Don't know how that happened but you can recover it like any other old vanilla world. Not sure if this will work on servers, but by following the page on the Minecraft Wiki I got my world back and even my Comptercraft programs. Unfortunatly, what you had on you is lost and would have to be spawned in. Speaking of which, you'll spawn somewhere randomly, but if you used Rei's Minimap you can copy the old waypoints and rename them to put them onto the world to get your bearings straight.  

  2. My Tekkit(main) world won't load!
    I've been using Tekkit and the Technic Launcher for a year or two now and everything else works fine. But, for some reason, it refuses to load my world. My creative world works fine so it wasn't an update issue or anything sensible like that.

    My world's .dat fine is still in my tekkitmain>saves folder; and inside it looks completely normal-identical to my working world's file. 
     I'm not too far in game so its not like I was doing anything extremely taxing on it other than a couple of ComputerCraft things; which disable at logoff anyway ...


    Also, I have pictures of the files being in place and Minecraft not detecting the world at the 'Select World' screen but can't figure out how to add them to my Media Library thingamabob.
    So, any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else or am I missing something obvious?

  3. I tried to make my own by drag and dropping various 'patches' with Sphax but no one seems to want to make the textures for them all as tekkit is still growing and changing (well I think that's why). I know that Galaticraft doesn't have a single texture pack as most consider it pretty good as is but Buildcraft has dozens of Sphax patches. I tried it but I guess it wasn't the right update as none of the pipes/engines were changed. There might be a few you can get to work so more blocks are retextured than not though if you visit Sphax's website and go to the packs/mods part. If you get it to work, lemme know. 

  4. Optifine works, but I'm noticing that some textures are missing now, as in invisible in-world. Buildcraft pipes, cables, etc and also some weird poison water (I only know that it's there because it shows up on my minimap), and I think it's because I threw optifine (currect version) into the mudpack file (like you said). Is it some problem with forge? I personally never liked that program ...

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