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Everything posted by Supersonic-Fez

  1. Come in game and we will interview you, or apply on the forums
  2. IP: flare.g.akliz.net Fully Flared Hexxit Fully Flared is a Hexxit Server featuring Custom Plugins, Playershops, Mini-Games Like Capture the Flag (Hunger Games Coming Very Soon!) We declared war against lag and unresponsiveness to insure that you have a smooth time on the server. We run multiple plugins to help with the lag, and custom files and tweaking to make sure you get the most from the server! Our server is hosted by the Recommended Hexxit Host Akliz. We have 64 Slots and plenty of room to explore the world with no lag. We are also looking to hire experienced Moderators to the server. Come on and Join us! Visit us at our website at http://www.fullyflared.org Banned Items -Magic Pickaxe -Rift Swords -Ender Bow Only 3! Rules -Do Not Use Hacks or Hacked Clients -Do Not Chat Spam -You are allowed to use Caps, but don't abuse it -Do not Abuse your /tpa or /tpahere commands -Do not Complain to Staff about Grief/Raid/PvP because it IS ALLOWED! Featured Plugins -Essentials -Automessage -Combat Log -Buyregion -WorldGuard -Factions Plus -Time Is Money -ScoreBoard Stats -floAuction -NoLagg -War -Factions -McMMO -Fe (Economy) Join us! IP: flare.g.akliz.net
  3. Ok sweet, come on the teamspeak and Ill look at it
  4. Yeah I know, its all fixed, Item wasnt banned all the way haha
  5. Thanks Zyhax! Really liking the support from the community!
  6. We added more ram! Thanks for all the support guys!
  7. I will try to help you out, get on the server and try it again, you should be fine now!
  8. Yeah, for some reason the one of the mods extensions got renamed so the server couldnt use the mod, hence making the server crash, but We are Back and fully functional!
  9. We will deal with him right away, thank you for the report
  10. Thanks! We did a lot of work on this new one
  11. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/fully-flared-hexxit-2-0-pvp-capture-the-flag-factions-64-slots-lag-free-raid-playershops.50914/
  12. I have a 35 slot server, it is pretty small and what not, but is professional, IP: if you want to come on, we are all family
  13. Man Do I like Apples. Lol

    Read more  
  14. this is a old ad, please refer to our new one, thanks :)
  15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobius Launch Special! All Donator ranks %50 off! (until July 10th) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobius Hexxit is a Brand new Hexxit server featuring custom plugins, shops, multiple donator ranks, PvP areas, and weekly prizes! IP: The Rules at Mobius are very simple and easy to follow No Hacking (This means hacked clients too) No Chat Spam No Caps No Obey The Admin and Moderators Do Not Bulid next to warp spawns Do not spam /tpa Do not bother staff for OP or ranks Do not pretend you are a admin or give yourself a "fake" staff tag If you are in our teamspeak follow all the rules above HAVE FUN! Teamspeak 3 IP: Interested in Staff? Sign Up and Fill out an Application | www.mobiusgaming.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobius Launch Special! All Donator ranks %50 Off! (until July 10th) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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