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Everything posted by GoingCoen

  1. So I'm trying to play hack/mine on the technic launcher and the zoom function of optifine cant be reassigned? even if i put the "zoom" key as "h" or something it still zooms if i try and press the left control button. this is super annoying because i use the left control and clicking to open chests and stuff is there any way to disable the zoom function other than reassigning it?
  2. Launcher Version: Hexxit 1.0.1 Operating System: Mac 10.8.4 Java Version: Java 7 Antivirus Program: n/a Description of Problem: I just keep the .jar file on my desktop (its called "TechnicLauncher.jar") and when I open the launcher its runs fine until I click Minecraft crafting dead and click launch and then the launcher just brings up a white window screen and then disappears..What the heck? Error Messages: n/a Error Log: n/a
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