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Posts posted by Kelsear

  1. What do you mean launch it with the launch.bat? I launched it was the launch.bat and a a black screen pops up saying Java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Then it sayas Press any key to continue. Confused :/

  2. So I just recently decided I was going to try this version of tekkit. Well I usually play with a friend so I downloaded the server and everything. Got it up and running no problems. Once I got in the server the first thing I wanted to do was get into space. I go and find the items I need to build the ship and whatnot. When I click on them to put them into my inventory it proceeds to say something about the item not having an ID. It only does that when I try to take out items relating to space. Like the launching pads and the ship itself. I tried in single player mode and it worked fine so I don't understand what the problem is. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance.

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