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About captainassassin

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

captainassassin's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hello, my name is Bo, i started a server with a friend of mine and we are looking for staff and someone that has knowledge in configuring plugins to go well with tekkit. There is only 3 of us that haven't got all that much experience with servers, let alone tekkit servers. I would really appreciate if anyone would like to help us in building our server up to become successful! The main problem is the protection side of the server, i cant seem to find a good enough plugin that does what i really would like it to do. All i want it to is that it protects certain buildings, and important things on the server. The second things is would like a few people to get in contact with me to help build up our server, with buildings like: - Housing - village - shops and allot more! Please get in contact with me at, [email protected]
  2. ok thank you
  3. Hello Im wondering when the server side of tekkit is going to update. can anyone plz tell me. Thx a lot Captainassassin:)
  4. IRL Name(So I can talk to you properly):Bo IGN Name (So I can add you to the white-list):HagridLOL What parts of tekkit are you are good at:all but some little things Skype Name:bo.kersteten
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