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Server is for the Tekkit Classic Mod Pack in the Technic launcher.
Many plugins Factions, Anit-Creeper, Auto-msg, Auto-Rank, Citizens, C-Lag, Cookie Monster, disguise craft, essentials AND OTHER FUN MORE
Server hosted in the United Kingdom
Awesome staff, players and BARELY ANY BANNED ITEMS!!!
[1]Catalytic Lens:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
[2]Destruction Catalyst:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
[3]Evertide Amulet:Bypasses anti-grief to place water in protected areas without permission.
[4]Infernal Armor:Bypasses anti-grief to destroy blocks in protected areas without permission.
[5]Abyss Helmet:Calls lightning to injure players even when PvP is off.
[6]Harvest Goddess Band:Bypasses anti-grief to grow and harvest in protected areas without permission.
[7]Black Hole Band:Bypasses anti-grief to remove water in protected areas without permission.
[8]Ring of Ignition:Bypasses anti-grief to injure claimed animals and set fires in protected areas without permission. May injure players even when PvP is off.
[9]Void Ring:Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit.
[10]Mercurial Eye:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
[11]Ring of Arcana:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
[12]Watch of Flowing Time:Can be used to sabotage another player's automated processes by altering speed of components.
[13]Volcanite Amulet:Bypasses anti-grief to place lava in protected areas without permission.
[14]RM Katar, Morningstar And Hammer Too Fucking OP
[15]Red Matter Furnace:Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit.
[16]Cannon:Bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
[17]All Explosives
[18]Dimensional Anchor:Can easily crash the server by consuming all hard drive allocation.
[19]Tank Cart:Key ingredient in an item duplication exploit.
[20]Turtles:Bypasses anti-grief to build in protected areas without permission.
[21]World Anchor:Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server.
[22]Anchor Cart:Consumes extra server memory, which may slow or crash the server.
[23]Feed Station:Unattended animal breeding can result in animal overload, severely slowing the server.
[24]Tunnel Bore And Other Bore Related Things:The Tunnel Bore bypasses anti-grief to break blocks in protected areas without permission.
[25]Work Cart:May craft banned items which would then be confiscated, wasting your ingredients.
[26]Frame Motor:Bypasses anti-grief to move blocks into and out of protected areas without permission.
[27]Dark Matter Pedestal:Fills the server log very quickly when activated, potentially running the server out of storage allocation and causing a crash.
[28]Tesla Coil:May kill other players even when PvP is off
They are banned for good reasons ^