Why Tekkitopia?
My brother and I are looking for a decent place to build and grow. We've been playing for about 6 months and every time we get a decent base running, the server either crashes to never return or someone griefs our entire establishment, only to be told by the staff of the server that "Oh, yep, that bypasses protections. sorry." And that we're SOL. We're sick of it. We're hoping your server is big enough for us to be able to grow and build without being pestered and bothered by others.
Your secret code: 8TJR
Username: Jsimo23
Why Tekkitopia?
My brother and I are looking for a decent place to build and grow. We've been playing for about 6 months and every time we get a decent base running, the server either crashes to never return or someone griefs our entire establishment, only to be told by the staff of the server that "Oh, yep, that bypasses protections. sorry." And that we're SOL. We're sick of it. We're hoping your server is big enough for us to be able to grow and build without being pestered and bothered by others.
Your secret code:7JSI
I hope you don't mind us both applying with one post. If he needs to make an account on here and apply, I'll make him do so.