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Everything posted by brewfest_

  1. i feel like you wasted you'r time hyren, if you only did this for a few months. i enjoyed the couple of weeks i was here, but it seems you let it slip. it's a bit disheartening to here you say what what said, because it's almost like you don't want it to run. i know everyone has trouble with money, as do I, but $30 isn't very much. a server isn't just about the owner's enjoyment, it's about the players to. i hope you get the right message from this, not the pouncing attack one. sorry if i offended you in anyway, because it seems i do that from time to time by the words i choose to use.
  2. Hyren- grief is getting out of hand, along with lag. half of the times I've gone to spawn now, it's been griefed. and to mention the lag, every few server restarts, all the machines and condensers freak out! the machine will smelt (or whatever) the item then, it will go back to the previous item in "do it" box. sadly, my conclusion is that, more items need to be banned. also- how much memory are you buying for how much? you maybe getting the lower side of the bargain.
  3. hyren, when you rolled back the grief, you rolled me back too. :c
  4. well, BuildCraft usually equals lag, brokenrapier. Also, flowing lava and water, crystal chests, running machines, and redstone cause a bit of lag.
  5. ok- this probably sounds terribly rude to you, so i'll get it over with. the forums are dull :c if you haven't checked out enjin yet, please look at it. i checked out if it is free, and one of the plans is. sorry for the disruption.
  6. will the forums be off of enjin? if that isn't the plan, look at it it's pretty nice, and i believe it's free.
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