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Everything posted by Ravenoire

  1. yeah,i try to make one i can't make it.You can make teleport tether/chunk loader
  2. I don't know,i never seen him online in server lol.Maybe he's busy
  3. Sorry,my friend make a mistake.His correct username is RizqyRamadhan_
  4. Can i apply one more person?It's my friend Name:Rifat Minecraft Username: Zexwhyl Age: 13 Your long term minecraft project: to create a factory. Why you want to play on this server: Because of my friend. This is the proof it's my friend,i invite him to play in this server and he want me to make a apply for him but he's the one that fillin the name minecraft username etc. http://prntscr.com/1hfk6o
  5. Can you edit the grief prevention so we can claim more block?it's like so tiny :(
  6. Name: Reya Minecraft Username: Ravenoire Age: 13 Your long term minecraft project: Well,build a good looking base and a factory.Gathering all the resource makes some cool things~ Why you want to play on this server: I want to play in a small community,it's just like fun,peaceful,we can trust each other,etc
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