Sorry for the double post First of all, I would Also like to say thanks in advance this site has helped me in the past, I have done a fair amount of research on this topic and i am not exactly sure where to go from here and like many here have heard before "i am no expert with servers" So please bare with me,
Here is my server setup that runs my tekkit lite world,
-IBM X3650 Twin Xeon Quad Cores 24 GB Ram 4x SAS 15k 73 GB Windows Server 2008 Enterprise drives running at my house on a 50m/b connection, 64 bit updated java, Tekkit is the only thing that runs on the system,
I am aware this is not the best system on the planet but i would think it would be fine for a small slot home hosted Tekkit world,
The Issue,
I start the server in command prompt and let it run people log on around 6-8 in number, The world runs fine for the first few hours its running never going over 11% Cpu and about 3.5 gb of ram give or take, After the first few hours the Cpu and Ram Usage slowly starts to climb regardless of the amount of people in the server, As this time goes on users start to lag starting with people with lower performance computers first and the slowly on to the users with better computers, If you leave the world up for a few days the server will eventually get to about 95-98% Cpu usage and to about 15-17 of 24 GB of Ram usage, I cant seem to figure what the deal is and how to keep the world running in the so called "Peak" in the first hour or so that i start the world? If anyone can shed some light on this issues i would be thankful as i would think this server machine would be enough to run something small like this?
Thank you for your time,