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Posts posted by Jdoki

  1. Thanks again for the suggestions.

    I ended up using a combination of things from a few of the responses. Void pipe to trash the cobble and dirt and a diamond pipe to filter in to the storage chest. Diamond pipes to filter to the engines. Distribution pipe to split fuel between the three engines equally; all looped back to feeder chest. Also an iron? pipe to regulate flow direction at one point. I also split the engines away from the quarry using conductive pipes - and this stopped the engines filling with quarried material when empty.

    It worked like a charm until a rogue creeper undid a lot of the good work (oh well, such is life - and I learned a lot!).

    Since the Creeper I've been trying to use Phased Conductive and Waterproof pipes to transport energy and water - but have had zero luck so far. If anyone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it. I'm sure it's something obvious - but the lack of info on the web about these set ups has me confused.

    My set ups...

    Set up 1.

    Aqueous Accumulator -> Waterproof stone pipe -> Phased Waterproof Pipe. (Set to Send Only, Channel 1)

    Phased Waterproof Pipe -> Water Proof stone pipe -> Steam Engine (Set to Send & receive, Channel 1)

    (The pipes in to the Steam Engine feed in against the grey side of the engine)

    Set up 2.

    Steam Engine -> wooden Conductive Pipe -> Phased Conductive Pipe (Set to Send Only, Channel 5)

    Phased Conductive Pipe -> Wooden Conductive Pipe -> Quarry (Set to Send & Receive, Channel 5)

    (The Wooden conductive pipe is attached to the 'red' end of the Steam engine)

    Neither set up works. I've also tried transmitting the power from the Steam engine to a Pulverizer to see what happens. Any ideas?

  2. Thanks for the answers. I'll start looking at more advanced pipes. Was only using basic stuff like stone and wood while messing around. Will definitely change to better fuels once I have finished experimenting.

    @weirleader. My output pipe from the quarry to storage chest is a separate network to the pipes coming out of the feeder chest to engines. I guess if I can keep the engines filled it won't be an issue any more, just seemed a bit odd. :)

    Thanks for the wiki link. I did go digging (no pun!) around in there - but didn't get further than waterproof vs transport...

  3. Hi,

    First post, please be gentle!

    Just started playing Tekkit having only ever played vanilla MC. Really enjoying discovering stuff!

    I managed to set up a quarry powered by two Steam engines. They are cooled by an Aqueous Accumulator. I have the quarry attached by pipe to a chest for storing stuff. I also created a chest that would feed both engines fuels, and managed to get that going with a Redstone engine and pipes.

    But I've run in to a couple of things that I'm hoping someone can help answer / advise.

    When one of my Steam engines empties of fuel material, it starts filling with material that has been quarried. If the second engine empties it also starts filling up. Any ideas how to stop this?

    The same goes if I have different types of fuel material in the feeder. I've been using different types of wood to begin with, but if some oak stuff reaches an engine filled with birch, the oak pops out. Is there any way to buffer this?

    Finally, is there any way to use a single chest to feed multiple engines and have it send material equally between them? I'm finding one engine gets significantly more fuel - even though the pipes are symmetrical (this seems to be worse once the redstone engine heats up).

    I'd like to keep any solutions simple / low complexity as I'm enjoying building knowledge.


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