Hello, and my apologies if this isn't the right thread I'll talk to Logistics pipes if it is not.
I think I may have found a bug related to frames moving the remote orderer pipe in Logistics pipes, particularly that after the pipe is moved it looses its "link" with the remote orderer item so you cannot see what items are in the system until right-clicking on the pipe with the remote orderer to re-link it.
A picture of the setup would be https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/45914214/logistics.jpg the issue is with the ender chest area on the left, an ME interface with a provider pipe, going to the remote orderer pipe then to an ender chest.
This is using the latest recommended build of logistics pipes as of today (595 from http://ci.thezorro266.com/job/LogisticsPipes-Dev/) and the latest hotfix version from the forums here with the AE fixes (which work wonderfully, thank you, I was also having the conflicting controller issues after it was moved with the computercraft carriage engine).
The area is a large mobile self-contained structure with an AE setup for storage, theres an AE crafting computer behind me from that picture, one ender chest setup so that anything put in one ender pouch is pulled into the system, and the other where the remote order from logisitics pipes can see what is in the system and request something from anywhere and have it go to the other ender pouch.
Sorry for the ramble as well, but I believe the pertinent bits are the frames are structure frames, the engine moving them is a computercraft carriage engine, and the only block affected is the remote orderer pipe from logistics pipes which as mentioned looses it's link with the remote orderer item itself after the frames move.
Edit: Fixed the bit about chests/pouches so it makes sense.