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Everything posted by Roadcrosser

  1. Basically it doesn't give me enough time to stop the elevator when it moves next. I'm not sure whether to give it more delay, because it'd take longer to reach, I probably should. When I try walking/jumping around in between flights I tend to glitch and fall through the elevator. It's just pretty irritating when there's no way to remotely call the elevator. And taking fall damage when I hit the ground. I'm thinking REther turtles.
  2. Ah. Sorry. I didn't really understand the nature of that paragraph. EDIT: Hey it works! but on an unrelated note I can't actually stop it from moving midflight 'till it hits something. That's bad. Also I keep falling through my structure. :I
  3. I figured out how to attach a controller on the structure carriage but the computer used to activate it always turns off once it moves. Halp. Edit: I am a derp
  4. I'm in a slight predicament here. I'm trying to build an elevator with structure carriages which would rise into a floating city of sorts, commandeered by platform carriages. I can't seem to put the elevator engine inside the structure carriage, which would allow me to make an independent elevator without requiring having to replace levers on the outside of the structure when it moves and knocks them off. Please advise.
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