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Everything posted by kell

  1. Why would you ban XLITTLECHIEFX he did nothing wrong
  2. IGN kelliemcevoy Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Because i want a small server that i can have fun on What Do you want to Build? Probally a moon base with my friends I also have a friend who wants to get whitelisted so here it is IGN josh Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Because this is my first time playing tekkit and all other servers have many items banned What Do you want to Build? A factory
  3. 1. What is your minecraft name? josh32498 2. Do you agree to the rules, stated above? yes 3. Do you have any questions, not listed in the 'Questions and Answers?' No 4. If so, state them here: 5. Do you have any bans on record? No 6. If so, why? 7. Why are you interested in SilliHex? Seems alot of fun 8. Have you played on any other Hexxit servers? no
  4. 1. What is your minecraft name? kelliemcevoy 2. Do you agree to the rules, stated above? yes 3. Do you have any questions, not listed in the 'Questions and Answers?' no 4. If so, state them here: 5. Do you have any bans on record? no 6. If so, why? 7. Why are you interested in SilliHex? Me and my friend have been looking around for a server that isnt fully griefed so we can have the full experience playing together 8. Have you played on any other Hexxit servers? Yes but they were not fun
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