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Everything posted by nightguy13

  1. I should also note that he's been able to use the console and all console commands at will.
  2. I just want to put a warning out to you guys that there's been a massive hacker around the minecraft scene... His main account goes by the name "Inglewood64" He's been on our server(MachineCraft) with over 100 accounts now and he has a hack that gives him op, allows him to change ranks of people(including donar ranks), and he can use banned items. He gets very mad if you ban his main account and will stop at nothing to destroy your entire server... We are still trying to shake him off, but he's being very persistent. If you have any information, please leave it below as it would be greatly appreciated. <3 If you guys have absolutely any information on how to get rid of him... PLease please please leave information. <3
  3. This server is definitely a server to try. After playing here for nearly two weeks, I found that some of the staff have their flaws(who doesn't) but all in all, the whole staff is very helpful. The server itself is full of kind people that are willing to help out whenever possible. Just by asking a few simple questions I realized that I definitely joined the right server because.. without some of the peoples' help, I would have absolutely no idea what to do.. even with certain minute problems(coughcoughBluTricitycoughcough) XD Allll in all, I would recommend this server to anyone looking to join a server with a strong community and helpful staff.
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